Center for Career Development aims to prepare ITS students for the job market and professional advancement, connect them with employers and provide them with support when it comes to acquiring new knowledge and skills necessary in the modern business world.
The Center’s priority is to provide additional training which helps develop talent that will be recognized by the employers, along with providing high-quality training programs and workshops and project opportunities for ITS students.
CCD’s regular activities include workshops centering on topics such as How to look for work, CV and cover letter writing and Preparing for an interview. Another important part of the Center’s activities are the free seminars on a number of interesting topics
CCD’s main activities include the realization of:
- seminars, training programs and workshops
- online and offline counseling for students
- job market research and presenting open positions
- internships and volunteering programs
- special events
- providing information on latest job market developments via newsletter
- providing the services of a library that includes both electronic and printed books, magazines and other materials on business and IT
- creating knowledge and professional orientation assessment tests
- keeping individual records on professional skills
You can find further information on the Center’s activities on CCD’s website
Partnerships with a number of leading companies provide students with valuable contacts, internships and employment during and after the studies. See the list of CCD’s and ITS’s partners.
ITS students have exclusive access to CCD’s services. Many companies pay for services of this kind as a part of training programs reserved for just a fraction of their workforce. Registration fee for the seminars is considerable, and attendance limited by the number of available places. ITS students attend seminars completely free of charge, acquiring new knowledge and skills, enriching their CVs, advancing their competencies and gaining competitive advantage.
Center’s role in advancing the ITS students’ competence level
Center for Career Development is a service-oriented institution that helps students with their career planning through providing information on professions, employment options and participation in additional educational and training programs, as well as counseling on choosing or changing a profession. At CCD, employers can get information regarding the talent available for internship or employment, as well as counseling on employee selection.
Continual education and training refers to the programs and educational processes that are realized during and after compulsory education, i.e., for some categories, following the initial education or training or upon entering into the world of work, for the purposes of advancing the existing competencies, acquiring new ones, and further personal and professional development.
– I learned how to differentiate between the types of people and how to adjust my attitude towards them accordingly, or, more precisely, what techniques to use to establish communication. I think this is quite valuable in the light of the practical experience that all people are faced with, especially in the workplace.
Olivera Isailović Vasković, seminar attendee
Center for Career Development offers practical skill-oriented training that concerns raising the level of communicativeness, acquiring the skills involved in project and team member presentation, teamwork, portfolio making and collaborator assessment. This way, the students are being prepared for an aspect of practical teaching included in their students, as well as for the real world of work that awaits them upon the completion of their studies.
The Center’s key activity is establishing cooperation with companies willing to offer internships to ITS students. The development of said cooperation is closely monitored, and different models/levels of cooperation developed accordingly (basic, medium and high level).