During their studies at Information Technology School – ITS, students have many opportunities at their disposal that significantly improve the quality of their learning, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for today’s most in-demand jobs.
Live stream on ITS since 2015
ITS introduced the Live stream option in the winter semester of 2015. Since then, both technically and organizationally, the complete process of direct broadcasting of classes at ITS has been completely brought to perfection. During the semester, between 50 and 100 hours of live streams in HD quality are broadcast daily from the premises of ITS. A large team of engineers, transfer producers and editors enables the simultaneous broadcasting of images and sound from classrooms and school halls to the respective ITS departments.
Equipment for the implementation of Live stream
More than 40 school halls and classrooms are fully equipped for the implementation of Live stream, which includes full HD cameras with 30x optical zoom, ambient microphones and equipment for the teacher. Each ITS facility has a stream room with accompanying equipment and mixers, where producers and editors work, and they need to make sure that the live stream from the ITS classrooms reaches every student. Live stream cameras have 360-degree rotation, 30x optical zoom, autofocus, adaptive PTZ speed and POE support, which allows every detail from the classroom to be faithfully transmitted to the student, and ambient microphones allow the student’s questions to be heard.
Students access the live stream of lectures via the platform for software-supported learning and the Live class section, which contains links to lectures for the next period and the dates when they will take place.
Archive of all lectures
All the classes, i.e., lectures and exercises, are streamed on ITS, both for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. This additional resource significantly contributes to the quality of learning at ITS and makes the process of mastering the material even more effective, mostly thanks to the fact that from now on all lectures will be saved in the Video archive, so students will be able to watch them again in every moment.
Students who want to cover a certain teaching unit again have access to the Video archive of all lectures and exercises. Watching the videos, as well as pausing them and rewinding to the beginning whenever it suits the students, helps them to better organize their time and responsibilities, grasp the material and find an answer or a solution to a certain task. How many times did you not understand some part in a lecture, so you wanted to listen and watch that part again? ITS students have this opportunity because we provide them with recordings of lectures and exercises of both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Most students who are in their Master’s studies at ITS are employed and have other private and family obligations, so for them, the Live stream and Video archive options are a real benefit, especially when preparing for exams and reviewing lectures and exercises held a few months ago. This is another confirmation that the introduction of modern technical equipment in teaching processes has a lot of benefits.