As the society changes, so do the skills the citizens need in order to achieve complex

In the early 20th century, a person who knew how to write, read and do basic mathematical operations was considered literate. Only lately has the education system started requiring the students to read critically, write convincingly, think logically, and solve complex mathematics and physics problems.

Skills of 21st century IT

How to reach success in the 21st century?

Today’s students need to master information and media literacy. This implies analyzing, accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating and creating information in different media.

To move up in a digital economy, the students will require the knowledge for the digital age. It is important that the education system implement parallel changes in order to complete this mission: preparing the students for the world outside the classroom.

This is why the education system must understand and accept the 21st century skills within the context of academic standards, which means that schools need to implement said skills into their curricula.