Study program / study programs: INFORMATION SYSTEMS

Type and level of studies: Undergraduate applied studies


Status: Compulsory

ECTS points: 8

Course objective

Acquiring knowledge and skills in the domain of the information system development process. The goal is to teach students how to model user requirements, analyze them and design an information system applying UML concepts. In addition to the object-oriented concepts, the course introduces the concept of service-oriented architecture as the basis for the development of service-oriented applications. The focus is on developing an integrated service-oriented information system.

Course outcome

The students learn about continuous computational devices and discrete computational devices, the characteristics of data warehouse, the differences between OLTP and data warehouse, metadata, information system architecture, the types of business information systems, the basics of data mining and the phases of its realization, the categories of web mining, the characteristics of web mining, the generations of programming languages, the differences between procedural and object-oriented programming, the classes of information systems, data mart, encapsulation, how classes are determined in real systems, the fundamentals of UML modeling.

Course content

  Theoretical classes:

  • The concept, objectives, tasks and best practices of software engineering
  • Software processes and Rational Unified Process methodology
  • Concepts and requirements through Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • IS architecture analysis (patterns, modeling and mechanisms of architecture)
  • Use case analysis and realization
  • IS design. Distributed IS
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA), SOA in RUP disciplines
  • Web services, Service model
  • Web Services Business Process Execution Language,
  • WS-BPEL, Service-oriented integration (SOI) (Enterprise Service Bus, ESB)
  • SOA design patterns
  • SOA solution development
  • Service Component Architecture (SCA) overview
  • Mediation service development
  • Service message objects (SMO)