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  5. Mladen Radaković, spec.

Mladen Radaković was born in 1975. After finishing Electrical Engineering High School “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade, majoring in Computers, he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Belgrade, majoring in Motor Vehicles. He completed his postgraduate specialist studies at the Department of Internet Technology at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade. He is currently completing his doctoral studies in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program at Singidunum University in Belgrade.

He gained his first work experience of over fifteen years in the IT industry in the private sector in Serbia, working in his own company as its CEO (maintenance of computer systems, development and design of IT systems and solutions, computer networks, programming, web design, access control, video surveillance, security alarms, etc.). After that, he built up his professional experience by working for ten years in a large international company (maintaining complex computer systems, working on client training, analyzing databases, etc.). For the last four years, he worked as a project manager for a complex international IT network infrastructure, in the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South America. He was involved in the creation and publication of papers, computer programs and newspaper articles. Some of his published works are: “Data Security on Smart Cards” (INFOTECH) – 2005, “Artificial intelligence and computers as an aid in school and extramural education of children with developmental disabilities” (International conference “Multidisciplinary approaches in education and rehabilitation”) – 2021, “Audio Signal Preparation Process For Deep Learning Application Using Python” (Synthesis) – 2021.

He has a large number of internationally recognized certificates in the field of IT technologies and project management. When it comes to his professional interest, he is interested in many things, and just some of the areas he works in are artificial intelligence, programming, databases, computer networks and infrastructure, IT security and project management.