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  5. Marko Nikolić, Doctor of Arts

Dr. Marko Nikolić was born in 1978 in Majdanpek. Since 1992, he has actively pursued the arts with a focus on poetry, music and drawing. Between 1993 and 1996 he attended a drawing and painting school at the studio of Branislav Cepenjor, an academy-trained painter from Majdanpek. In 1997, he enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, from which he graduated in 2004. During his studies, he attended a film direction course at the Studentski grad Cultural Center in Belgrade, which he completed in 2002, after which his artistic work focused on video and audio production.

In 2006, he began his interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade, at the Digital Art department. In 2012, he defended his PhD art project entitled Suicide – the Path Towards National Revival.

Since 2008, he has actively used the free software, which he promotes by giving presentations, lectures and workshops in Serbia. In addition, he provides technical support to Ubuntu GNU/Linux users on the official Serbian forum.

Since 2010, together with other members of the Sound and Visions society, he has organized the Sound and Visions multimedia festival in Majdanpek, where he curated the Open Source and Creativity in the Digital Domain program.

He has participated in several group exhibitions and film festivals both locally and abroad.