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  5. Aleksandar Đokić, PhD

He was born on May 20, 1963, in Banja Luka, where he finished High School of Electrical Engineering “Nikola Tesla”. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in the same city and completed the second cycle of education at the International Academy of Humanities and Natural Sciences (major: Market Management), the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad, and the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. He got his PhD at the Faculty of Business Studies (Megatrend University in Belgrade).

Professional experience: principal and professor at Higher School “Dositej”, Trn, Laktaši; full professor at the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade; dean and professor at the College for Applied and Legal Sciences “Prometej”, Banja Luka; professor at the College of Informatics and Management “Janjoš”, Prijedor; professor at the “Banja Luka College”; assistant director of education and professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Economics and Entrepreneurship (ITEP), Trn.

Work in the economic sector: he worked in the companies “TT inženjering” in Banja Luka and “Telekom Srpske”. He has published 26 books, 8 papers in journals which are on the SCI list, 12 papers in anthologies and 81 papers in domestic and foreign journals. He completed a series of seminars in the fields of economics, informatics, psychology and sports.