The traditional professional internship, or block teaching organization for students of the Electrical Engineering High School “Nikola Tesla”, organized by ITS, has once again gathered young talents eager for knowledge this year. The practical lessons are conducted through lectures given by distinguished lecturers from various fields of expertise, each designing an engaging concept to convey the latest knowledge and skills to the students.
Today’s lecture for the third-year students was delivered by a former student of Electrical Engineering High School “Nikola Tesla”, now a professor at ITS, Dr. Aleksandar Simović. The topic of the lecture was “Big Data revolucija: Kako je eksponencijalni razvoj digitalnog univerzuma uticao na transformaciju čovečanstva; velikim promenama koje su u toku i još većim promenama koje tek dolaze”.
Through an interactive lecture and practical examples, Professor Simović brought the significance and impact of Big Data technologies on contemporary society closer to the students, emphasizing the importance of adapting to new trends and technologies. His enthusiasm and excellent knowledge of the subject inspired students to think about future careers in information technology and encouraged them to participate more actively in professional internships and projects.
In addition to the lecture by Dr. Aleksandar Simović, a significant contribution to the professional exercises was made by teaching assistant Iva Veljković, also a former student of Electrical Engineering High School “Nikola Tesla”. She conducted exercises on “Kreiranje baze podataka u SQL Management Studiou sa povezanim tabelama i praktična primena manipulacije podacima iz baze podataka“.
Iva Veljković introduced students to the basics of creating and managing databases through detailed instructions and practical tasks. The exercises included creating related tables and various methods of data manipulation, providing students with valuable practical experience and an understanding of working with databases.
The professional internship at ITS continues to be a crucial part of the educational experience for students of Electrical Engineering High School “Nikola Tesla”, enabling them to acquire the practical knowledge and skills necessary for future challenges in their professional careers.