The Information Technology School – ITS holds the prestigious Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). Erasmus+ is an international program of the European Commission aimed at education, training, and youth mobility, as well as collaboration with institutions and organizations in the field of education. This year, ITS applied for the KA131 mobility project for the first time and mobility for three students and one teacher was approved. KA131 mobility projects primarily support the mobility of students and teachers between EU member states and third countries associated with the program. This is an extraordinary opportunity for students and teachers to gain new experiences and knowledge through international exchange.
As part of the implementation of this project, the first interinstitutional agreements were concluded with two higher education institutions from Slovenia, thanks to the initiative of the President of the Conference of Academies of Applied Studies in Serbia, Dr. Branko Savić, who gathered representatives of Serbian and Slovenian higher education institutions at meetings in Novi Sad and Belgrade. ITS signed agreements with the Vocational College “Abitura” and the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences. The best ITS students selected in the mobility competition will have the opportunity to choose one of these institutions to spend one semester of their studies.
ITS is diligently working on expanding its network of partner institutions and on new Erasmus+ projects.