From June 19 to 23, the international conference “SnT 2023” (Science and Technology Conference 2023) was held both in-person at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna and online. The conference was organized by the CTBTO – Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization and ITS had its representative present.
Stevo Vračar participated in the conference as a co-author. In collaboration with his father, Miodrag, he presented a paper on the topic of a statistical filter used for analyzing signals with a high level of interference. The use of their filter successfully eliminates unnecessary content from the signal and provides answers to questions such as when, where, and why the event occurred.
Our student also had the opportunity to visit the main operational center of CTBTO, located in the United Nations building (Vienna International Center), where seismic, hydroacoustic, and infrasonic data are collected from stations and laboratories around the world.
The “SnT 2023” Conference on Science and Technology
This year, the “SnT 2023” conference was held both in-person at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna and online, after being held exclusively virtually in 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. More than 2,000 participants from 148 countries took part in the seventh edition of the conference held from June 19 to 23. The week-long event included a series of technical and scientific panels, discussions, and e-poster presentations, combined with engaging workshops. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to visit the Operational Center at the CTBTO headquarters and experience various aspects of on-site inspection through virtual reality and flight simulators. The “SnT 2023” event also highlighted the organization’s commitment to multilingualism and inclusion, including the opening of the conference at a high level with translation into all official CTBTO languages, marking the first recorded instance for any SnT conference, and several panel discussions conducted in Arabic, French, and Spanish.You can find more details about the conference HERE. Congratulations to Stevo on the successful presentation of the project! We are proud to have had our representative at such a prestigious conference as “SnT 2023”.