The Information Technology School – ITS is pleased to announce that a new edition within the publishing activity of ITS has just been released. The book “Savremeni mediji u teoriji i praksi“, by author Ivan Mandic, is already available for purchase at the ITS School Shop.
Author’s note
The world of new media is the world we live in today: the internet and social networks or smart television? Delayed listening to radio programs or web editions of favorite magazines? Video games for relaxation or reading entertainment news on a mobile device screen? Digital networked media are becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives, allowing us to inform and socialize, communicate with each other, and follow a variety of multimedia content. The computerization of the devices we come into contact with is gaining ground, and it no longer surprises us, even when it comes to household appliances such as refrigerators or scales, and data flows more easily between numerous nodes on the World Wide Web. New media have pushed horizons far beyond the borders of national states, creating a new global individual and a new global culture.